
interface Frame

A frame in the browser.

Each web page loaded in the browser has a main (top-level) frame. The frame itself may have child frames. When a web page is unloaded, its frame and all child frames are closed automatically. Any attempt to work with an already closed frame will lead to the IllegalStateException error.


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Browser instance of this frame.

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The list of child frames or an empty list if this frame does not have any children.

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The document object model (DOM) of this frame, if any.

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Content of the frame in the HTML format, or an empty string if the frame doesn't have a content or its content is empty.

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The Json instance for this frame.

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The localStorage instance of this frame.

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The name of the frame, or an empty string if the frame doesn't have a name.

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The parent Frame instance or null if the current frame is a main (top-level) frame, and it does not have a parent.

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The sessionStorage instance of this frame.


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abstract fun browser(): Browser
Returns the Browser instance of this frame.
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abstract fun children(): List<Frame>
Returns the list of child frames or an empty list if this frame does not have any children.
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abstract fun document(): Optional<Document>
Returns an Optional that contains the DOM Document instance of the frame or an empty Optional if the frame does not have a document.
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abstract fun execute(command: EditorCommand): Boolean
Executes the given command in the frame.
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abstract fun <T> executeJavaScript(javaScript: String): T
Executes the given javaScript code in the frame and returns the result of the execution.
abstract fun executeJavaScript(javaScript: String, callback: Consumer<out Any>)
Executes the given javaScript code in the frame and returns the result of the execution through the given callback.
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abstract fun hasSelection(): Boolean
Returns true if some content in this frame is selected.
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abstract fun html(): String
Returns a string that represents content of the frame in the HTML format or an empty string if the frame does not have a content or its content is empty.
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abstract fun inspect(location: Point): PointInspection
Inspects the given location on the web page containing this frame and returns the result of the inspection.
abstract fun inspect(x: Int, y: Int): PointInspection
Inspects the given location on the web page containing this frame and returns the result of the inspection.
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abstract fun isCommandEnabled(commandName: EditorCommand.Name): Boolean
Returns true if the command with the given commandName can be executed in the frame.
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abstract fun isMain(): Boolean
Returns true if the frame is a main (top-level) frame in the browser.
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abstract fun json(): Json
Returns the Json instance for this frame.
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abstract fun loadHtml(html: String)
Navigates the frame to a data URL assembled from the given HTML.
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abstract fun loadUrl(url: String)
Navigates the frame to a resource identified by the given url.
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abstract fun localStorage(): WebStorage
Returns the localStorage instance of this frame.
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abstract fun name(): String
Returns a string that represent the name of the frame or an empty string if the frame does not have a name.
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abstract fun parent(): Optional<Frame>
Returns an Optional that contains the parent Frame instance or an empty Optional if the current frame is a main (top-level) frame and it does not have a parent.
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abstract fun print()
Requests printing of the currently loaded web page in this frame.
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Returns a RenderProcess associated with the current Frame instance.
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abstract fun selectionAsHtml(): String
Returns a string that contains HTML of the selected content in the frame or an empty string if there is no selection.
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abstract fun selectionAsText(): String
Returns a text representation of the selected content in the frame or an empty string if there is no selection.
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abstract fun sessionStorage(): WebStorage
Returns the sessionStorage instance of this frame.
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abstract fun text(): String
Returns the content of the frame and its sub-frames as plain text or an empty string if the frame does not have content or its content is empty.
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abstract fun viewSource()
Creates a new popup where the view-source:<frame-url> URL is loaded to display HTML source of the frame.